Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reducing the signs and symptoms

Avoidance of triggers for flushing is important for all rosacea patients to prevent flare-ups of the rosacea. Patients will be affected by specific triggers but not necessarily all of them. Therefore, it is important for each individual patient to identify the causative agents.

Patients should keep a daily diary to identify any precipitating or aggravating factors. Patients should avoid potential exacerbating factors such as:

-overly strenuous exercise, heavy lifting
-emotional upset
-alcohol, hot beverages, spicy foods
-exposure to cold or strong winds, hot and humid atmosphere, and sunlight
-any hot environment such as saunas, hot baths, and simple overheating
-perfumed sunscreens or those containing insect repellants
-astringents or cleansers containing hydroalco-holic substances or acetone
-abrasive or exfoliant preparations
-moisturizers containing glycolic acid or witch hazel
-medications that have vasodilative effects such as niacin, amyl nitrate, calcium channel blockers, and opioids

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