Monday, June 15, 2009

Rosacea: Quality of Life

Rosacea patients may suffer from a variety of emo-tional disorders as the facial features change and papules and pustules and other so-called unsightly features progress. Patients report embarrassment or anxiety about the facial flushing in social situ-ations.
Nearly 70% of rosacea patients report low self-esteem, while 41% avoid public contact. The facial disfigurement impairs their career advancement; 70% of severely affected patients report that rosacea adversely affects their profes-sional relationships. They also report that rosacea affects their sexual desirability. The inaccurate per-ception by the public and social stigmatization of rhinophyma as a sign of alcohol abuse is a source of frustration for rosacea patients.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reducing the signs and symptoms

Avoidance of triggers for flushing is important for all rosacea patients to prevent flare-ups of the rosacea. Patients will be affected by specific triggers but not necessarily all of them. Therefore, it is important for each individual patient to identify the causative agents.

Patients should keep a daily diary to identify any precipitating or aggravating factors. Patients should avoid potential exacerbating factors such as:

-overly strenuous exercise, heavy lifting
-emotional upset
-alcohol, hot beverages, spicy foods
-exposure to cold or strong winds, hot and humid atmosphere, and sunlight
-any hot environment such as saunas, hot baths, and simple overheating
-perfumed sunscreens or those containing insect repellants
-astringents or cleansers containing hydroalco-holic substances or acetone
-abrasive or exfoliant preparations
-moisturizers containing glycolic acid or witch hazel
-medications that have vasodilative effects such as niacin, amyl nitrate, calcium channel blockers, and opioids

Monday, June 1, 2009

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin disorder impacting over 14 million Americans today. Regrettably, the National Rosacea Society says that almost 76 percent of Americans don’t know how to treat this skin disorder and how to distinguish it.

Affecting fair-skinned people, rosacea is characterized by flushing and redness of the cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. Redness and flushing can also be seen around the areas of the shoulders and back. Statistically, women experience rosacea symptoms around two times more than men.

While the reasons of rosacea are unknown, some scientists believe that inheritance plays an important role. European and Scandinavian people seem to be open to rosacea. Scientists have also learned that components such as increased levels of the Stratum Corneum, peptide Cathelicidin and steroid hormones can cause rosacea. Rosacea symptoms can be worsened by long sun exposure, high temperature variations, stress, alcohol, particular nutrients and caffeinated drinks, and even certain skin care products.

There is no experienced remedy for rosacea, however, the symptoms can be controlled and decreased by using right skin care products. Skin care would include a gentle skin-cleansing procedure, daily sunscreen use that carries zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, antibiotic drugs, and laser treatments. But be careful, some skincare products can actually make rosacea symptoms worsen. These could include use of benzoyl peroxide, microdermabrasion, and retinoids.
To distinguish trigger factors and avoid those situations is important for rosacea sufferers. An efficient rosacea treatment must be constant and long-term. Most individuals can experience gradual and noticeable improvements by using rosacea skin care products and avoiding triggers over time.

Visit Rosacea Skin Care Products website :