Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rosacea Trigger Factors

While the list of potential rosa-cea triggers in various individ-uals may be endless, a survey of 1,066 rosacea patients found that the most common factors for aggravating their rosacea included the following:It is apparent that the most common triggers include sun exposure, stress, alcohol inges-tion, or spicy food.Topical products that may exacerbate rosacea include perfumed sunscreens or insect-repellant-containing sunscreens, cleansers contain-ing acetone or alcohol, toners or moisturizers containing glycolic acid, astringents or scented products containing hydroalcoholic extracts or sorbic acid, and abrasive or exfoliant preparations.

1 comment:

  1. In addition to these triggers you've listed, one must also consider the health of the liver when it comes to skin and ocular rosacea skin care. In many cases, the liver's health is reflected in the eyes. This is the case in jaundice, for example. Therefore, it's important to tackle the issue of liver health in addition to the tips you listed.
